Water data of adequate quality and quantity is a prerequisite to address the increasing water-related challenges around the world and support decision-making in all aspects of water resources management. Enhancing the provision of water data is vital to effective water resources management and the provision of safe and reliable water supplies. In this regard, the youth engagement in the innovation and operations of water monitoring systems is essential. This includes youth participation in decision-making processes and crowdsourcing projects, as well as more young people professionally engaging in water-related fields.
The Youth Symposium is a Hybrid event that aims at guiding and preparing young people for their meaningful participation in COP27, Groundwater Summit 2022 and the UN 2023 Water Conference.
To formally feed into the above-mentioned UN events, a youth statement will be prepared as an outcome of this symposium. A workshop will be facilitated by UN1FY representatives who are leading the consolidation of youth inputs for the UN 2023 Water Conference. The youth statement will also be used as a contribution to COY17/COP27 and presented in the Groundwater Youth Forum, foreseen to take place as part of the official plenaries of the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater in Paris (7 to 8 December 2022).