Water data management

"The ultimate goal of data collection in hydrology, be it precipitation measurements, water-level recordings, discharge gaugings, groundwater monitoring and water quality sampling, is to provide a set of sufficient good quality data that can be used in decision-making in all aspects of water resources management, in the wide range of operational applications as well as in research. Decisions may be made directly from raw data measurements or based on derived statistics or on the results of many stages of modelling beyond the raw data stage, but it is the collected data that form the basis for these decisions.  Data sets are of great intrinsic value as they are collected through a huge commitment of human and financial resources and often during a long period of time, and they acquire also a use value when are made available in an usable form to the final users to respond to their specific needs. The management of hydrological data is therefore important work in itself and this work must be performed effectively in order to maximize the results of the investments put in their collection and their possibility of being effectively used." (World Meteorological Organization, 2019)


World Meteorological Organization. Hydrology and Water Resources Programme: Data Management. Accessed March 3, 2019. Available at: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/hwrp/datamanagement.php

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