Training Platform

A platform on which several training courses are published, or several types of training material is made available online.

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Capacity Building and Training Material

Water Accounting + Online Training

Water accounting is the process of communicating water resources related information and the services generated from consumptive use in a geographical domain, such as a river basin, a country or a land use class; to users such as policy makers, water authorities, managers, etc.

The training platform includes links to freely available online training and exercises on water accounting, as well as a webinar series by ADB, IHE Delft, and recordings of relevant presentations in various languages.


EUMeTrain is an international project, founded and financially sponsored by EUMETSAT, and dedicated to the development of satellite meteorology training resources and training methods.

GEOGloWS Training Platform

The GEOGloWS initiative consolidates elements of freshwater activities in GEO. It ensures that strong coordination and commitment are in place for links among data, information, knowledge, applications, and policy. From research to implementation, GEOGloWS provides the demonstration grounds for user-driven solutions to address water issues.

Water Exploration: Remote Sensing Approaches

The 250 million people who live in the Afro-Asian dryland belt face water shortage for their entire lives. Hundreds of millions more in less drought-prone regions have to cope repeatedly with reduced supplies. Resolving the shortage of domestic water supplies in arid and semi-arid lands largely focuses on groundwater resources and efficient capture of available surface water, preferably by recharging underground resources. The key lies in accurate and informative geological maps. Yet most areas of need have never been geologically mapped at scales better than 1:250,000.

Digital Earth Africa: DEA101 - Introduction to the Digital Earth Africa Sandbox

Digital Earth Africa learning platform

This learning platform helps users understand the significance of Earth observations, explore Digital Earth Africa datasets through an interactive map, and get started on the basics of python coding for spatial analysis.

Digital Earth Africa makes Earth observation (EO) data readily available, delivering decision-ready products to the African continent. Data generated by Digital Earth Africa will provide valuable insights for better decision-making across many areas, including resource management, food security and urbanisation.

OpenCourseWare at IHE Delft

Open and free educational resources to match water and education demand and IHE Delft's capacity to train professionals.

IHE Delft offers high-quality online courses in an increasing number of topics of interest in the water sector. The innovative delivery format makes learning exciting, flexible, interactive and effective.

Mekong dam monitor tutorial and FAQ

This walkthrough shows users how to use the Mekong Dam Monitor to track how dams currently impact various parts of the Mekong mainstream and its tributaries. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to track river levels, interpret the Natural Flow Model from Eyes on Earth and how it compares against gauge data from the Mekong River Commission, use the virtual gauges to explore water level and flow changes at individual sites, and more. This walkthrough also answers frequently asked questions about how to find information inside the Mekong Dam Monitor.

Afri Alliance Knowledge Hub

The AfriAlliance project aims to better prepare Africa for future climate change challenges by having African and European stakeholders work together in the areas of water innovation, research, policy, and capacity development. Rather than creating new networks, the 16 EU and African partners in this project are consolidating existing ones, consisting of scientists, decision makers, practitioners, citizens, and other key stakeholders, into an effective, problem-focused knowledge sharing mechanism.