Geographic Information System (GIS)

"A GIS is any system that captures, stores, analyses, manages, and presents data linked to location; simply, it is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology. GIS systems are used widely in real world applications from cartography to utility management and from urban planners to emergency services. A GIS has three elements: a digital map, digital data (displayed on the map) and GIS software that links the two and carries out both the mapping and analysis of the data." (Geographical Association n.d.)


Geographical Association. n.d. “Geospatial Technologies (Including GIS).” Accessed April 14, 2021.


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Could you describe how your professional and/or personal experience relate to water? Where does your interest in water resources management come from? What influenced your decision to focus your work on the use of space technology for water management? 

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Interview with Padmi Ranasinghe, Doctoral student in Urban Planning and Public Policy at the University of Texas (UT) - Arlington

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Interview with Basuti Gerty Bolo

Basuti Gerty Bolo dreamt of space science and of becoming an astronaut when she was only 8 years old. She then wanted to be a pilot, before studying space applications and space and atmospheric science.  Her curiosity for space science was sparked by an interest in knowing more about unexplained mysteries of things happening in space, such as the cause of some plane crashes. Basuti works exceptionally hard to disseminate space knowledge. She is an Endowed Chair for Educational Technologies at Africa University in Zimbabwe, a UNOOSA Space for Women Network mentor, and is starting a space for women and girls network called Space4Women_AfricaDreamers to spread space awareness and promote gender equality.

Interview with Padmi Ranasinghe, Doctoral student in Urban Planning and Public Policy at the University of Texas (UT) - Arlington

Padmi is currently reading for her Ph.D. focusing on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for climate change risk reduction and resilience cities. She believes NbS can reduce hydro-meteorological hazards such as floods, droughts, and landslides in the long run. It is a strategy to minimize the gaps in decarbonizing and reducing greenhouse gases and a path to Net-zero cities. NbS, are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, benefiting people and nature (IUCN & World Bank, 2022). Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), ecosystem-based mitigation (EbM), and green infrastructure are some branches under the umbrella of NbS. NbS include conserving forests, mangroves, and wetland ecosystems, halting deforestation, increasing reforestation, climate-smart agriculture, and opening green spaces. According to her, space technology is integral to planning, monitoring, and analysis. Space technology today is so advanced that it can capture and predict changes in the water cycle, climate change variables and so forth. Remote sensing data and satellite-derived information are essential in obtaining accurate data on a specific site anywhere on the Earth's surface. Most recently, she has been involved in projects utilizing urban NbS such as the conservation of Ramsar-Colombo to mitigate urban floods and adapt to climate change. To conduct wetland inventories, space-based data and GIS techniques can be utilized to detect the presence of wetlands and/or water in wetlands. Though there can be some challenges encountered such as limited coverage of specific areas within the wetland, clouds often hiding images, and the low resolution of data making it difficult to differentiate floral species. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) can provide enhanced accuracy and consistency in measuring wetlands, as well as the presence of water in wetlands, using space technologies. Data and technologies from space contribute to watershed management, sediment measurements and many other environmental aspects.

Interview with Ruvimbo Samanga

Ruvimbo Samanga, despite her age, has vast experience in the law, space, and water sectors. She is presently involved in a regional study on the integration of GIS and statistical information in Zimbabwe, working towards the promulgation of GIS standards and legislation to support a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Ruvimbo is excited by the merging of sustainable development for water management with space technologies because it is scalable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective over the long run. Ruvimbo feels strongly that space technologies have a role to play in policy and legal affairs, and also sees potential especially in the use of emerging technologies such as block chain, artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing.

Interview with Benjamin Wullobayi Dekongmen

Could you describe how your professional and/or personal experience relate to water? Where does your interest in water resources management come from? What influenced your decision to focus your work on the use of space technology for water management? 

My upbringing on a farm set out the foundation for my interest in water resources, as I used to collect water for domestic and agricultural purposes from the streams.

Capacity Building and Training Material

GIS OpenCourseWare for Hydrological Applications


For many studies models are used or developed. During modelling courses not much attention is paid to the preprocessing of input data and parameters needed for the models. A lot of open source software is available for this purpose. Besides desktop tools with graphical user interfaces, scripting is very useful for processing large datasets and timeseries. With the skills learned in this course you will be able to more efficiently process your data and setup and improve your models.


Local Perspectives Case Studies

Project / Mission / Initiative / Community Portal

In-Service ICT Training for Environmental Professionals

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National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Jal Shakti

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Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar

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Photo of Maria Molina

María José Molina-Montero

Geographer at FAB-LAB Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

María José Molina Montero is a geographer. She holds a master's degree in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing obtained in 2019, she has amassed almost 10 years of experience in the utilization and management of satellite imagery for developing a range of geospatial applications. She has served as a consultant in the public and private sectors, and for cooperation bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), focusing on risk management, climate change, water resources, and agriculture.

Photo of Jumpei Takami

Jumpei Takami

Associate Expert in Remote Sensing United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Proficient in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems with Machine Learning approach: Analysis of disaster risk reduction and management associated with climate change using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies and implementation of disaster-oriented projects; landslide, flooding, drought, and land subsidence, optionally with machine learning approaches; forest inventory for canopy height and above ground biomass, and planning, design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering construction projects.

Photo of Jiayun Huang

Jiayun Huang

Intern United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Jiayun Huang was a master student at Imperial College London, specializing in ecological applications. She holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. Her research includes a wide range of topics related to environmental monitoring, evaluation, and management using remote sensing technology. She has undergone professional training in field investigations and laboratory operations, and is able to integrate them with remote sensing technology in the research projects.

Mohamed Yasser Ayoub

EO Data Processing Engineer Egyptian Space Agency

Mohamed Yasser holds a Bachelor of Science in Earth Science from Alexandria University and currently serves as an Earth Observation Data Processing Engineer at the Egyptian Space Agency. Specializing in various aspects of satellite data processing, he focuses on generating preprocessed satellite image products and formulating product quality matrices in his role.

Victor Mukununugwa

Senior Scientist Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency

Victor Mukungunugwa is a graduate Aerospace Engineer from the National Aerospace University of Ukraine. Upon completion, he acquired a cum-laude Honors BSc degree in Aircraft and Rocket Engineering in 2012. His first job was as an assistant lecturer and a lab technician at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa where he was doing his MSc in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Designing. In 2013 he joined Terracam Professional UAVs Pvt Ltd where he acquired his drone pilot and worked as a senior project manager for aerial surveys.

Space-based Solution

Addressed challenge(s)

Lacking historic knowledge on vegetation cover and surface water extent / river course

Collaborating actors (stakeholders, professionals, young professionals or Indigenous voices)
Suggested solution

Note: this description is a work in progress developed by the collaborating entities in a workshop. If you would like to contribute reach out to, or your trusted Space4Water point of contact.

The solution approach begins with identifying the region's main rivers and understanding their hydrology using mapping and geoprocessing tools. After understanding the hydrography of the area and mapping the surface water extent river course through the building a hydrographic dataset, multiple image sources are used to map the historical land use and land cover surrounding the river.

1. Resources needed


  • QGIS 
  • TerraHidro 5 - Console applications
  • PostgreSQL
  • PostGIS Spatial Database System
  • PgHydro extension for PostgreSQL/PostGIS
  • PgHydro Plugin for QGIS


Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM


see reference in the bibliography below.

2. Steps to the solution & status


  1. Plot the Region of Interest (completed)
  2. Identify the region's main rivers and understand their hydrology (completed);
  3. Identify the region's potential flood areas using H.A.N.D.;
  4. Build a hydrography dataset (completed);
  5. Identify multiple image sources for land cover analysis (completed);
  6. Map the historical land use and land cover surrounding the river (in progress);


1. Plot the Region of Interest (completed)

  1. Download and install QGIS to plot the KML files of the region of interest
Example KML plot of the strip of land of the Maori communtiy who submitted the challenge
Figure 1: Example KML plot of the strip of land of the Maori communtiy who submitted the challenge


2. Identify the region's main rivers and understand their hydrology (completed)

  1. Download the FABDEM data for the Region of Interest.
    FABDEM (Forest And Buildings removed Copernicus DEM) is a global elevation map that removes building and tree height biases from the Copernicus GLO 30 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (
    A FEABDEM Digital Elevation Model of the Ngutunui region, New Zealand.
    Figure 2: A FEABDEM Digital Elevation Model of the Ngutunui region, New Zealand.

  2. Download and Install TerraHidro 5 - Console applications ( to extract the hydrograph products derived from the FABDEM to understand the hydrography setup of the area (Flow direction, flow accumulation and drainage lines and areas, H.A.N.D.).
    Flow direction in the Ngutunui region, New Zealand
    Figure 3: Flow direction in the Ngutunui region, New Zealand
    Flow accumultation in the Ngutunui region, New Zealand
    Figure 4: Flow accumultation in the Ngutunui region, New Zealand
    Sintetetic drainage lines and areas
    Figure 5: Sintetic draingage lines and areas Ngutunui region, New Zealand


3. Identify the region's potential flood areas using H.A.N.D.

Building on Nobre et. al (2011) in which the HAND terrain model that "normalizes topography according to the local relative heights found along the drainage network, and in this way, presents the topology of the relative soil gravitational potentials, or local draining potentials" is introduced by the authors.

Height Above the Neaerest Drainage (HAND)in the Ngutunui reiong,
Figure 6: Height Above the Neaerest Drainage (HAND) in the Ngutunui region showng the areas for potential flooding in darker blue. In the current map this is in the bottom right quarter of the image.


4. Build a hydrography dataset (completed)

  1. Download and instal PostgreSQL/PostGIS Spatial Database System ( (, PgHydro extension for PostgreSQL/PostGIS ( and PgHydro Plugin for QGIS;(
  2. Build the Hydrograph Dataset;( using the Drainage Lines and Drainage Areas extracted from FABDEM;
  3. Information like drainage area, upstream area, drainage line length and distance to sea information are now available.
    Hydrography dataset of the Ngutunui region in New Zealand
    Figure 7: Hydrography dataset of the Ngutunui region in New Zealand


5. Identify multiple image sources for landing cover analysis (completed);

  1. To collect historic and high-resolution up-to-date imagery over the area, UNOOSA contacted the Land and Information New Zealand Data Service, which provided both historical aerial imagery and LIDAR data sources.
  2. Historic data for the relevant land patch can be accessed via the Retrolens New Zealand Service (
  3. Up-to-date aerial photos of the area can be accessed here at the New Zealand Data Service. Tile 503 and 603 are the ones of interest (
  4. Relevant Landsat data are available from 1989. For the study area, Landsat 7 data is available from 2 July 1999, and Landsat 4 from 2 February 1989;
  5. Google Earth Engine Apps - Global Forest Change (

6. Map the historical land use and land cover surrounding the river (in progress);

Relevant publications
Related space-based solutions
Keywords (for the solution)
Climate Zone (addressed by the solution)
Habitat (addressed by the solution)
Region/Country (the solution was designed for, if any)
Relevant SDGs