Groundwater Flow Model

"A groundwater flow model is a mathematical representation of groundwater flow through an aquifer, which is composed of saturated sediment and rock. In order to solve the equations that constitute the flow model, it is necessary to make simplifying assumptions about the aquifer and the physical processes governing groundwater flow. The most important of these assumptions are embodied in the conceptual model of the aquifer" (USGS, 2022).

"Although groundwater flow models can't be as detailed or as complex as the real system, models are useful in at least four ways:

  1. models integrate and assure consistency among aquifer properties, recharge, discharge, and groundwater levels
  2. models can be used to estimate flows and aquifer characteristics for which direct measurements are not available
  3. models can be used to simulate response of the aquifer under hypothetical conditions
  4. models can identify sensitive areas where additional hydrologic information could improve understanding" (USGS, 2022)

Applications of Groundwater Modelling include the evaluation of water management alternatives, demonstration of general hydrologic principles, hydrogeologic and geochemical characterisation and research on basic modelling techniques.


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). "Groundwater Modeling." (2022). Link:…

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