Space Technologies
Space technologies encompass space-related technological advances and developments. (ESA, 2012) Multiple classification methods are possible for outer space technologies, and various organizations opt for different approaches. Technologies covered are Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Earth Observation (EO), Satellite Communication and Human Spaceflight. This classification was selected after multiple iterations based on discussions with UNOOSA staff. [NK1]
"Space technologies play an important role in many areas of activity within the United Nations. [...] As it is especially challenging for developing countries to access and use space-based information, the United Nations supports these Member States through satellite-derived information products, such as maps, and through capacity building and institutional strengthening." (UNOOSA, 2017)
"Space Technologies in the UN". UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal, UNOOSA. 2017. [Accessed February 21, 2019]
"What is technology?". Space Engineering & Technology, ESA. Last modified October 15, 2012.…. [Accessed February 14, 2019]
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Project / Mission / Initiative / Community Portal
WMO Hydrological Observing System Portal
Currently, WHOS makes available three data portals allowing users to easily leverage common WHOS functionalities such as data discovery and data access, on the web by means of common web browsers. For more information on WHOS data and available tools, please refer to the Section WHOS web services and supported tools.
WHOS-Global Portal provides all hydrometeorological data shared through WHOS. WHOS-Global Portal is implemented using the Water Data Explorer application.

María José Molina-Montero
Geographer at FAB-LAB Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
María José Molina Montero is a geographer. She holds a master's degree in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing obtained in 2019, she has amassed almost 10 years of experience in the utilization and management of satellite imagery for developing a range of geospatial applications. She has served as a consultant in the public and private sectors, and for cooperation bodies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), focusing on risk management, climate change, water resources, and agriculture.

Somaia Mohamed
Head of communication Systems Design Egyptian Space Agency
Dr. Somaia Mohamed Mahmoud holds B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Cairo University. Currently, she heads the Communication Systems Design Department at the Egyptian Space Agency. With a rich academic background, she has taught at Cairo University, MSA University in Cairo, and Queens University in Canada. Dr. Somaia has held various roles, including Project Manager, Communication System Engineer, and Hardware Designer at the Egyptian Space Agency.

Benjamin Wullobayi Dekongmen
PhD Candidate University of Energy and Natural Resources
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