Digital Shoreline Analyses System (DSAS)

Computer Software for Calculating Shoreline Change (or positional change of a boundary over time)

The Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) v5 software is an add-in to Esri ArcGIS desktop (10.4-10.7+) that enables a user to calculate rate-of-change statistics from multiple historical shoreline positions. It provides an automated method for establishing measurement locations, performs rate calculations, provides the statistical data necessary to assess rate robustness, and includes a beta model of shoreline forecasting with the option to generate 10 and/or 20-year shoreline horizons and uncertainty bands. A user-friendly interface guides the user through the major steps of shoreline change analysis. An in-depth user guide and video tutorials are available that provide detailed instruction on the DSAS workflow including: how to define a reference baseline for measurements, the steps needed to generate automated measurement transects and metadata based on user-specified parameters, guidelines on how to manually add or edit existing transects, and an explanation of the visualization options to display calculated rates of shoreline change and other statistical information.


Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. 2022.  "Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)" .…

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