13 - 14 Oct 2021
WWEM The Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring event 2021 is a virtual event that focuses on Instrumentation and services for water and wastewater process monitoring.
Some of the Topics to be Covered:
- Analysis for Passive Sampling
- Automation
- Bio Toxicity and Speciation
- Communication
- Data Analysis, Interpretation and Modelling
- Field Monitoring
- Flow, Level, Pressure
- Metals and Nutrients
- Microplastics/Plastics in the Environment
- Monitoring Covid in Wastewater
- On line and At-line analysis
- Process Analysis and Control Technologies
- Quality Management
- Taste and Odour
- Waste Water Screening
Who should attend:
- Industry, Process operators, Environmental managers, Control and Instrument users and Planners from across all industries who test, analyse, monitor or treat water and wastewater now or in the future.
- Policy makers and regulators from local authorities and Environment agencies
- Scientists and academics
- Solution providers and consultants