Geospatial technologies and remote sensing offer a crucial location element to the monitoring of SDGs and their corresponding targets and indicators, but the technologies’ uptake is hindered by the existing gap between practitioners and developers. The series of “Bridging ICTs and the Environment” ISEPEI workshops aims to bridge this gap by offering in-service education and professional training for practitioners. This annual workshop series provides an opportunity for non-specialists to get updated on the latest advances in geospatial technologies and their application in monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sattelite Imagery, Geographic Information Systems, mobile applications, and other technologies can be applied for achieving and monitoring multiple SDGs targets and indicators. Focusing on various SDGs, the series has been successfully conducted in cooperation with UN agencies (UNEP, UNDP, UNOOSA, UNFPA, UNECE, UN FAO, etc) and global key stakeholders in digital technologies (EU JRC, Airbus, Esri, Google, MAXAR, etc) since 2014.
This year’s course explores the use of geospatial technologies in agriculture and digital transformation of rural areas, including precision agriculture, mobile apps, GPS and drone use, among others. The program builds upon the professional network and expertise of the newly established OSUN’s GeoHub partners.