
Tundra climates are represented within the climate group: Polar. 

Their warmest month has an average temperature between 0 and 10 °C. These climates occur on the northern edges of the North American and Eurasian land masses (generally north of 70 °N although it may be found farther south depending on local conditions), and on nearby islands. These climates are also found on some islands near the Antarctic Convergence, and at high elevations outside the polar regions, above the tree line.

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Space-based Solution

Addressed challenge(s)

Potential consequences due to the melting Athabasca glacier, Canada

Collaborating actors (stakeholders, professionals, young professionals or Indigenous voices)
Suggested solution

Assessment of the challenge

  • Need more data about the location of the community and their usage of water
  • Split the challenge into a “glacier” and a down-stream challenge
  • No up-to-date weather data available since 2011
  • Discharge and temperature, rainfall and snow data available
  • Digital elevation surface and terrain model available

Outline steps to a solution & status

  1. Inventory of the snow cover and watershed area (completed)
  2. Build a regression model using historical data to assess the relationship between snow melt, temperature and discharge (to do)
  3. HEC-RAS for flood modelling (to do)
  4. Use climate change projections to predict future discharge and flood extents (to do)
  5. Impact assessment: downstream impact analysis of hydro-power and agriculture in case needed (to do)





  • Weather station - if more detailed data are needed by the community
  • Snow monitoring (snow depth sensor)
Relevant publications
Related space-based solutions
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Climate Zone (addressed by the solution)
Habitat (addressed by the solution)
Region/Country (the solution was designed for, if any)
Relevant SDGs