The world ocean circulation is the engine allowing energy, heat, momentum, chemicals and floating materials ranging from living resources to marine pollution to be transported over large distance around the Earth. It lies at the crossroad of a wide range of disciplines including mesoscale to sub-mesoscale dynamics, air-sea interaction studies, climate variability, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem monitoring... The accurate knowledge of the ocean circulation at all time and space scales is therefore of growing importance to many scientific, operational and commercial applications.
A large variety of active and passive remote-sensing instruments are today into orbit whose measurements both provide indirect knowledge about ocean surface currents at various spatial and temporal scales, and represent also a surface signature of the ocean interior dynamics. All these data, used in synergy, constitute a wealth of information to advance our understanding and estimation of the upper layer of the World Ocean Circulation.
A user consultation meeting is planned from 21-22 February 2019 in ESA -ESRIN Frascati, Italy to prepare a roadmap for new initiatives on ocean circulation research and applications to be implemented in the ESA EO Science for society programme element.
The user consultation meeting is organised around:
- Oral presentations selected by the Scientific Committee
- Poster session
- Round table discussions to collect inputs and suggestions for activities to be carried in the 2/3 years to come
Participation to the event is free, however any potential participant should clear their visa request themselves (eg no invitation letter will be issued by the Agency).
The objectives of the event are:
- To review the state-of-the-art in ocean circulation products and applications;
- To assess the potential of the increasing observation capacity offered by satellites and their synergetic use to advance our understanding and monitoring of the ocean upper layer circulation;
- To bring together expert scientists, service providers and direct users to discuss and agree on a number of key requirements for research and development activities that may address the science and applications needs of a wide range of users;
- To exchange on the existing gaps, define priorities and issue recommendations for shaping a new ESA WORLD OCEAN CIRCULATION from space project and other initiatives to be implemented in the ESA EO Science for society programme element.