The 15th symposium will aim to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among water and environment professionals from developed and developing countries in order to advance the understanding, collaboration and capabilities to respond to the rapidly changing global environment.
The objectives of the symposium are to review recent contributions of isotope tracers and other geochemical tools in advancing the understanding of hydrological processes in a changing environment; to review recent developments in the approaches and methods based on isotopes in climate studies and related fields; and to assess research, analytical and training requirements to meet the challenges of understanding the consequences and impact of climate change.
- Spatial isotope patterns to understand hydrological processes
- Water balance modelling and hydrological processes
- Synthesis of isotope data to identify emerging water quality/quantity issues
- Isotopes in precipitation modelling and palaeoclimate reconstruction
- Groundwater dating and palaeohydrology
- Environmental/climate change and impact on water resources
- Advances in isotope analytical methods and data quality assurance
- Enabling and strengthening science-based policies for water resources management
The symposium is aimed at professionals involved in a broad spectrum of disciplines, including: water resources assessment and management; processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere; climate change and its impact on the water cycle; meteorology and environmental modelling; protection of the environment; geographic information systems; and the development of isotopic techniques and tools. Government officials, including policy makers and individuals responsible for the assessment of environmental programmes, would also benefit from attending the symposium.
A series of plenary sessions will address the topics mentioned above, and will include invited keynote speakers, oral presentations and panel discussions. Poster sessions will be organized allowing ample time for discussion and interaction with colleagues. A final roundtable session will review the main conclusions drawn in the plenary sessions and will summarize recommendations for the future development of the discipline. It is being considered to organize a field trip highlighting the geology and hydrogeology of the Vienna basin.