State-of-the-Art and Future Perspective for High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS) in Europe
High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) operating for extended periods at an altitude of approximately 20 km complement and extend the capabilities of satellites in the domains of Earth Observation, Telecommunication and Navigation. HAPS, in synergy with satellites, offer unique capabilities for the development of value adding applications and science.
With over 200 participants, the HAPS4ESA 2017 workshop was the first meeting in Europe bringing together HAPS system, payload and applications developers, institutional stakeholders, space agencies and scientists. Building on this success, the European Space Agency is again reaching out to the Earth Observation, Telecommunication and Navigation communities to review the State-of-the-Art and the future perspectives of HAPS in a changing Space 4.0 environment and with a specific focus regarding potential ESA HAPS activities to be decided at the next ESA Council at Ministerial level in 2019 (Space19+).
Objectives and Topics
The objective of the workshop is to assess the State-of-the-Art and to identify future perspectives for High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) in Europe. A particular focus will be on synergies between HAPS and satellites in the domains of Earth Observation, Telecommunication and Navigation. The European Space Agency is currently defining elements for HAPS programme activities following 2019 to be decided at the next ESA Council at Ministerial level end of 2019 (Space19+). The conference discussion and recommendations will be an important milestone in the programme preparation.
ESA is inviting all interested parties from industry (manufacturers, technology providers, operators, service providers), science, academia, regulatory bodies, policy makers, as well data users to participate to the conference which will also provide a forum for networking and interaction with European experts.
HAPS have the potential to cover a wide range of applications and science fields. Examples are the quasi-permanent very-high-resolution observations of local surface and atmosphere phenomena complementing existing and future satellites providing quasi-real-time information delivery to users, augmentation of space-borne and terrestrial broadband telecommunication capabilities or the augmentation of GNSS operations integrated within the overall navigation.
- Platforms: State-of-the-Art and future HAPS.
- Synergies of HAPS with:
- operational and scientific Earth Observation missions, applications and services,
- telecommunication systems, applications and services,
- PNT (positioning, navigation and timing) systems, applications and services,
- integrated applications and services: Earth observation + navigation + telecommunications.
- Payloads, including miniaturisation, modular architectures to accommodate multiple missions, customization and standardization efforts.
- Ground segment solutions for HAPS, including command and control, communications, user segment and on-ground data processing.
- Demonstration activities and prototyping campaigns.
- Operations solutions for HAPS.
- Regulatory topics: airspace regulation for HAPS with a focus on Europe, airworthiness, spectrum.