Event Banner
21 Sep 2021 00:02

Earth Observation Training, Education, and Capacity Development Network is a network of networks created to improve
coordination and engagement of Earth Observation asset and training providers in support of key global sustainable
development outcomes.

Who should attend the Regional Meetings?

  • Anyone engaged in building knowledge and skills to use Earth observations for better drought related decisions, actions and research;
  • Anyone with technical experience related to drought forecasting, response, and risk

Regional Meeting Objectives:

  1. Learn about EOTEC DevNet’s approach
  2. Discuss regional tools, capacity development efforts, and gaps and needs related to drought, facilitated by EOTEC
  3. DevNet’s Droughts Tracker
  4. Learn what’s next for EOTEC DevNet’s work in floods and droughts

When to Join:

Asia Oceania

12:00 13:00 UTC | 8:00 9:00 EDT


13:30 14:30 UTC | 09:30 10:30 EDT


15:00 16:00 UTC | 11:00 12:00 EDT


17:00 18:00 UTC | 1:00 2:00 EDT