21 Sep 2021
Earth Observation Training, Education, and Capacity Development Network is a network of networks created to improve
coordination and engagement of Earth Observation asset and training providers in support of key global sustainable
development outcomes.
Who should attend the Regional Meetings?
- Anyone engaged in building knowledge and skills to use Earth observations for better drought related decisions, actions and research;
- Anyone with technical experience related to drought forecasting, response, and risk
Regional Meeting Objectives:
- Learn about EOTEC DevNet’s approach
- Discuss regional tools, capacity development efforts, and gaps and needs related to drought, facilitated by EOTEC
- DevNet’s Droughts Tracker
- Learn what’s next for EOTEC DevNet’s work in floods and droughts
When to Join:
Asia Oceania
12:00 13:00 UTC | 8:00 9:00 EDT
13:30 14:30 UTC | 09:30 10:30 EDT
15:00 16:00 UTC | 11:00 12:00 EDT
17:00 18:00 UTC | 1:00 2:00 EDT