Towards a Water-Secure Future
Groundwater has emerged as a major resource in safeguarding agriculture and drinking water security in many parts of the globe. India is at present the largest and fastest consumer of groundwater in the world. Integral to life and indispensable for comprehensive growth and development, groundwater is a key resource for India in achieving its holistic vision of a developed nation by 2047, the 100th year of its independence. The role of groundwater in contributing to water security and searching solutions for its conservation and sustainable management at present will play a crucial role to meet water demands of the population in future under a changing climate and to ensure food and water security for both the developed and developing countries.
Scientific Themes
T-1: Impact of climate change on groundwater and adaptation measures
T-2: Environmental flow and rejuvenation of river ganga
T-3: Mountain hydrology and springshed management
T-4: Water resources in arid and semi-arid regions
T-5: Groundwater contamination and remediation
T-6: Groundwater modeling and management
T-7: Advanced techniques for groundwater exploration and assessment
T-8: Augmentation of groundwater resources
T-9: Coastal water resources management
T-10: Policy, regulation and governance for groundwater management
T-11: Application of AI, ML, IoT, cloud computing and other advanced techniques in groundwater
T-12: Vadose zone hydrology and agriculture water management
T-13: Protection of groundwater dependent ecosystems - rivers, wetlands, lakes and springs
T-14: Isotopic techniques in groundwater investigations and management