Hyperspectral Imagery

"Hyperspectral sensors collect several, narrow spectral bands from  the  visible,  near-infrared,  mid-infrared,  and  short-wave infrared  portions  of  the  electromagnetic  spectrum.  These  sensors  typically  collect  200  or  more  spectral  bands,  enabling  the construction of an almost continuous spectral reflectance signature.  Furthermore,  narrow  bandwidths  characteristic  of  hyperspectral  data  permit  an  in-depth  examination  of  earth  surface features  which  would  otherwise  be  ‘lost’  within  the  relatively coarse bandwidths acquired with multispectral data." (Govender et al., 2008)


Govender M., Chetty K., Naiken V. and Bulcock H. "A comparison of satellite hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing imagery for improved classification and mapping of vegetation". Water SA  34, no. 2 (2008): 147-154.

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