Flemish Institute for Technological Research-Remote Sensing

About Flemish Institute for Technological Research-Remote Sensing

VITO is an independent, research, technology & service leader in cleantech and sustainable development. Our goal? To accelerate the transition to a sustainable world, consulting & supporting public organizations, researchers & industry. VITO Remote Sensing has a long-term expertise in the development of Earth observation (EO) instruments, technologies and services. VITO plays a primary role in collecting and processing Earth observation data into objective and useful information and insights, that are actively made available and promoted. Our unit counts about 100 developers & scientists with expertise in a wide range of remote sensing instruments, image processing, image quality, AI, end-to-end EO solutions, geomatics, …

They show you the added value of remote sensing, a key enabler in our space economy. From user needs to technology and end-to-end EO support, VITO Remote Sensing provides insights for diverse applications such as agriculture, vegetation, water & coast, climate, security and infrastructure. Thanks to reliable, performant and accessible data & specialists working on those data, we can observe and measure better than ever, which is exactly what remote sensing can bring to you: objective information, so you can make better informed decisions.

With more than 80 national and international partners and active in more than 115 countries we offer Earth Observation solutions for both public organizations and industry. VITO Remote Sensing is also a proud member of Copernicus Relay and Copernicus Academy. With massive amounts of satellite data at your disposal, we are ready to assist you in using and integrating Copernicus or other satellite data products. For more information, please visit our website http://remotesensing.vito.be or read our latest blogs on blog.vito.be/remotesensing.

Brief Information

Organisational sub-unit(s)

None who are registered with Space4Water.

Thematic Focus
Regional Focus