Satellite Imagery

"Pictures taken from satellites"

Sources Dictionary, s.v. “satellite imagery,” accessed April 15, 2021,

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Space for Communities: Space-based evidence to support community rights to water

Satellite imagery can be used to identify and monitor environmental and social impacts, and help solve human problems around the world. Despite rapid advancements in space-based technologies, not enough people have access to satellite data and all the insights it offers. Satellite imagery provides an objective way of verifying or validating the testimony of communities who are being impacted by social or environmental harms.

Climate change, dam collapses and water-borne disease: devastation in Libya caused by Storm Daniel

On September 10th of 2023, Storm Daniel made landfall in northeastern Libya, bringing torrential levels of rain and strong winds (Figure 1). This onslaught of rain caused two big dams in the region to break – the Abu Mansour dam and the Derna dam, 75 metres and 45 metres tall respectively. It is believed that the Abu Mansour dam broke first, after its reservoir was filled beyond capacity. The dam collapsed and sent a rush of water towards the Derna dam further downstream (Figure 2).

Capacity Building and Training Material

Copernicus Marine Data Stream for Operational Services - Ocean Applications


This is a free virtual (online only) workshop held in English. The majority of the course is composed of self-paced learning with educational resources provided through an online learning platform called Moodle. However, instructors will also be running live training sessions in the 2nd and 3rd weeks, where participants have the opportunity to join two-hour live ‘espresso’ training sessions covering SNAP and python demos, data access, tailored workflows, and question and answer sessions for 1:1 interaction.

GBDX YouTube Channel

GBDX is DigitalGlobe's Geospatial Big Data Platform which combines data access to satellite imagery with access to innovative algorithms to develop new solutions to tackle new market segments

The GBDX YouTube Channel contains useful videos for customers using the GBDX user interface, such as "How to create a workspace", "How to search for images", and "How to select materials"



Project / Mission / Initiative / Community Portal


MarineAware is a modelling and visualisation platform for identifying and responding to oil spills at sea. It was developed by Riskaware for the Earth and Sea Observation System (EASOS) project as part of the UK Space’s Agency’s International Partnership Programme (IPP). Since it's initial development for the EASOS project, MarineAware and its modelling output have been used by the UK, US and Malaysian governments, as well as by commercial response and salvage companies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.


European Space Agency - Space Solutions

ESA Space Solutions is the go-to place for great business ideas involving space in all sectors. ESA Space Solutions provides funding for teams to run Feasibility Studies and Pilot Projects. It supports teams to develop commercial services using satellite data and space technologies. Successful applicants receive:

  • Zero-equity funding (from €60k to €2M+ per activity).
  • A personalised ESA consultant.
  • Technical & commercial guidance.
  • Access to our network of partners. 
  • Credibility of the ESA brand. 

Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales / Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities

The Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales, ABAE) is the Venezuelan Space Agency, which was established on 25 October 2007 by the Venezuelan government. According to the rules and regulations set forth by the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, the acronym ABAE refers to the national entity in charge of managing space programs, projects, and activities. The ABAE is in five different locations in the country: