Local perspectives and case studies

The aim of the local perspectives and case studies feature is to learn about gaps in water resource management from affected individuals, communities, civil society, professionals, researchers or organisations in the field to identify needs or potential solutions that space technologies could contribute to.

Because of the very diverse nature of water-related problems, the Office has decided to collect information in different thematic calls, which address a specific target groups at a time. The ultimate purpose is to collect and synthesize these needs (in the form of perspectives expressed by civil society, or case studies) and to explore ways of matchmaking needs and solutions to inspire stakeholders of the Space4Water Portal to apply existing or develop new solutions to the problems addressed.

Local Perspectives address a specific water resource management or ecological issue in a certain locality. Local perspectives will be collected, screened, and categorised by UNOOSA. Depending on the target audience of the call, some of the collected perspectives (detailed and clear descriptions / case studies with technical parameters to be provided) will be publicly shared on the Space4Water Portal so that solution providers can learn about user needs, others will be collected and published in a curated format, maybe with more user interaction possibilities than a traditional case study.

Theme of the current call


The theme of the current call within the Local Perspectives Feature is Groundwater and is aimed at both water users and water providers involved in the abstraction, use and management of groundwater directly from the sub-surface. We welcome anyone who sees challenges in their / their communities current interaction with groundwater. For example, whether you collect, treat, or use predominantly groundwater in your home; if you provide groundwater through constructing boreholes; or if you manage groundwater use at a local, regional, or national level we welcome your response.  

  • Groundwater accounts for 30% of Earth’s freshwater resources and provides drinking water entirely or in part for up to 50% of the global population, as well as providing 42% of irrigation water and 24% of industrial water. 
  • Much of our groundwater reserves are being depleted far faster than they’re being replenished, in part due to population growth, industrialisation, climate change and poor governance. A global groundwater depletion of 4,500km3 was estimated between 1990-2008, threatening global water security, development, and global peace. 
  • Hence the importance of recognising and addressing challenges related to groundwater. Research shows that space technologies and space data can help to address some of these challenges. UNOOSA thus wants to give a voice to groundwater users and providers within the Local Perspectives and Case Studies feature to learn about the challenges on the ground, alongside implemented and potential solutions (both space and non-space related). 

Dear groundwater users and providers, you are invited to participate. We would like to learn from you to be able to design and better identify technical space-based solutions for aiding in the monitoring and management of groundwater resources.