
Upcoming Webinars
Currently we are not aware of relevant upcoming webinars. Check the past webinars, some of them have recordings attached or are restarted on demand. Let us know if you would like to see a webinar added to the list by sending an email to office[at]space4water.org
Past Webinars
Title Date (from) Date (to) Time zone Registration required Status Language Thematic Focus
Integrated Drought Management: Monitoring and Early Warning yes
Operational flood forecasting model at Google UTC−05:00 no
Irrigation Estimates from Remote Sensing and Land Surface Modelling UTC+01:00 yes English Irrigation, Remote Sensing
Webinar: How a leading space agency is preparing their satellite imagery for the future of analytics UTC−03:00 yes Satellite Imagery, Open Data
GEO Knowledge Package Deep Dive - Webinar UTC+01:00 yes English Earth Observation
Webinar: Space Data Gateway - The Future of Space Connectivity and Data Delivery UTC+01:00 yes English
Webinar: Groundwater for Water Security in Africa UTC+01:00 yes English Groundwater, Water security, Hydrology, Water Resource Management
Webinar: Linking Global Water Security to Nature UTC±00:00 no
Water Diplomacy, a Tool for Climate Action? no Restarts on Demand English Hydro diplomacy, Water Security, Climate Change, Water-based peace building
Application of Satellite Remote Sensing to Support Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean no English, Spanish Conservation, Flood, Ecosystem, Water quality, Satellite Imagery, NASA
Introductory Webinar: Remote Sensing of Coastal Ecosystems yes English, Spanish Conservation, Ecosystem, Satellite Imagery, NASA
The Power of Population Data: Data of the People, by the People, for the People to achieve Agenda 2030 - Part 1. Citizen Generated Data: Progress in advancing Sustainable Development UTC−05:00 no English
[DHI WEBINAR] Earth Observation for Sustainable Development: Satellite based services for water management UTC±00:00 yes English
Remote Sensing for Freshwater Habitats UTC+04:00 yes English Freshwater Habitat
The Potentials of Space Data UTC−02:00 yes English
Using satellite data for water management UTC−02:00 no
Coral reef monitoring with Sen2Coral UTC−02:00 no Restarts on Demand English