
The Copernicus/EUMETSAT Monitoring The Oceans From Space MOOC was first released in 2016 on the FutureLearn MOOC platform as a complete and highly innovative course which included videos, interactive exercises, tests, links, data apps and further reading. The course was run a number of times and introduced diverse new audiences to satellite Earth observation data.

This website provides all of the core videos, images, text and links to further reading from the original course on an open and continuous basis. The videos can be streamed or downloaded, and all images and transcripts are also available to download.

This course will introduce you to the powerful role of satellite ‘Earth observation’ (EO) technology in monitoring our oceans, and to the beautiful and inspiring nature of the imagery and data it produces.

Significance of this Course

It is important to know what our oceans are doing and the role they play in the Earth system as a whole. The analysis of remote-sensing data makes it possible to understand the oceans in new and exciting ways. The data we are gathering from monitoring the oceans from space tells us about hazards, how to manage the ocean sustainably, and how our climate is changing. It’s not just scientists who are using this information but policy makers, public services, offshore industries and other businesses, all the way down to individuals who are simply curious.

Earth observation (EO) provides an unparalleled means for observing our complex planet. It is an increasingly important tool in monitoring and making decisions about climate change and the environment, and encompasses a wide range of techniques used to map, measure, and monitor an enormous variety of environmental parameters and processes on the Earth.

What you will learn

This course will provide you with an overview of the different types of data, imagery and their applications and will introduce you to the fundamental techniques and methodologies of working with this data. You will look at practical examples of using ocean monitoring EO data - in real-world case-studies and in a range of areas of policy and decision-making - and will explore emerging technologies and trends.

The course will introduce you to the operational marine data stream from EUMETSAT in the context of the ‘Copernicus’ programme. It will highlight the role of the Sentinel-3, Jason-3 and future Sentinel-6 ocean monitoring satellites and the contributing missions providing marine data for Copernicus – such as Metop and Meteosat. You will also explore the role of the Copernicus Marine Environment Service (CMEMS), focussing on the applications of its data for users and its wider benefits to society.