Dialogue: The Transformative Futures for Water Security Conference

Dialogue: The Transformative Futures for Water Security Conference
15 - 17 Feb 2023
Cape Town, South Africa

The Transformative Futures for Water Security Conference is set to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 15–17 February.

Water security is key to our collective future, yet many parts of the world are deeply water insecure. In addition, water security is deeply intertwined with climate security. In the face of a changing climate and without immediate and bold action, water security is set to worsen.

The Transformative Futures for Water Security (TFWS) initiative is raising the ambition for water and bridging the gaps between science, policy and action. It aims to ensure water research and innovation better serve the acceleration of Sustainable Development Goal 6 and progress toward water security for all that will be robust in the face of deepening water risks this century.

The conference will use outputs from eight online regional dialogues to finalise the design of high-ambition missions for water research and innovation for development. The multi-stakeholder dialogues were grounded in inclusive partnerships, including organisations in the Global South and North. This collaboration will continue into the conference. 

Mission-driven alliances will be formed among participating organisations from the science, policy, development and business communities, alongside a strong youth co-guardianship, to promote and catalyse missions, achieve results and deliver impacts. The dialogues identified 5 to 6 missions which will establish a set of high ambition, transformative targets for science-based action on water security. These missions will align with the objectives and outputs of the UN 2023 Water Conference and feed into the UN Water Action Agenda to continue to “transform futures” well beyond the close of the conference.

Event Themes

Build joint commitments to science-based action on water security across policy, development, business and science constituencies
Amplify the effectiveness of water research and innovation for building water security
Strengthen the innovation system for water security
Map stakeholder priorities for water systems science from across constituencies and sectors to create co-ownership of the future agenda for water research and innovation

Century City Conference Centre
4 Energy Ln
Century City
Cape Town
South Africa